Carpet Clean Ahwatukee. When it comes to housekeeping, it can be helpful to have a clear schedule in mind, particularly for those duties that do not have to be done on a weekly basis and are therefore easy to forget about. How often should you have your carpets professionally cleaned? This is a subject that comes up rather frequently.

The correct response is… it is dependent. How frequently your carpets need to be cleaned depends on a number of different factors.

The type of carpet and the warranty on it

If the carpeting is still relatively new, the warranty on it can still be valid. In most cases, the terms of the warranty will indicate that you are required to have the carpet cleaned. By a professional at least once per year using a method that involves the extraction of hot water.

One more type to think about is the kind of carpeting that is currently in your home. Wall-to-wall carpeting of a higher quality is durable enough to survive heavy foot traffic. As well as frequent washing, in contrast to cheaper carpeting, which may fade quickly if it is washed too frequently.

Carpet traffic- Carpet Clean Ahwatukee

It goes without saying that a carpet that gets a lot of foot traffic. And especially if some of that foot traffic consists of children and dogs, will become dirty more quickly. And will need to be properly cleaned a greater number of times over the course of its lifetime.

If you have kids, dogs, or both, it’s a good idea to get your carpets professionally cleaned every six to nine months. This is especially important if you have kids. If you have babies or very young children who will be crawling on the carpets. Or if you have pets that are prone to having bladder “accidents” on the carpets. You should aim for cleaning them once every six months at the very least.

The importance of professional cleaning

If your carpet does not get a lot of foot traffic and is not prone to the high amount of wear and tear. That is caused by children or pets, it is possible that having it professionally cleaned. Once every one to two years is sufficient. However, if you are in a location that is dusty or susceptible to high humidity. Both of which can favor the formation of mold, you should strive to clean on a more regular basis.

As a general rule, it is best to get your carpets professionally cleaned. Before they become noticeably unclean and worn than to wait until they are already in this state. If you take the correct care of the carpeting, which includes having it professionally deep cleaned. You can extend its lifespan by a significant amount.

Vacuum your carpets- Carpet Clean Ahwatukee

It is essential to vacuum your carpets frequently in the interim periods between professional cleanings. Because of this, surface dust and other pollutants will be less likely. To become ground into the carpet fibres over time.


If you or a member of your household suffers from allergies. It is professionally recommended that you get your carpets cleaned by a professional… At least once every three months. In extreme circumstances, you can even choose to have them cleaned more frequently than usual.

Dust, mites, pet dander, and accumulated pollen are among the pollutants… That are among the major offenders when it comes to runny noses, sneezing… And red, itchy eyes among those who suffer from allergies. Vacuuming carpeting alone is not enough to rid it of these contaminants.